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Mrs Beeton’s Victoria Sandwich Recipe

Mrs Beeton’s Victoria Sandwich Recipe

Lets celebrate the summer with a Mrs Beeton’s Victoria sandwich, a classic recipe which dates back to the 19th century!You could imagine the glorious victoria sandwich being baked to perfection in a traditional style kitchen similar to our very own Hollinwood Oak collection here at Deelux. Victoria sponge cake is the simplest cake recipes of them all and sometimes its wonderful to have a fairly plain cake and a cup of tea.


6oz butter or margarine 

6oz caster sugar

3 eggs

6oz self-raising flour

Cooking Instructions

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C

Grease two 18cm / 7in cake tins

Put the butter/margarine and sugar in a bowl and cream together

Beat the eggs in,one at a time with a little flour, to prevent curdling

Add the reamining flour and beat well

Place in the oven for 20 minutes or until the cakes are brown and springy

Allow to cool a little, then turn out onto a wire rack

Allow to cool completely

Ingredients for the butter icing

5oz butter softened

10oz icing sugar


For best flavour use best butter for the butter icing

Beat the butter until smooth by using a wooden spoon or a food processor

Add the icing sugar and mix in well

When the cake is completely cool, spread one side with butter icing and the other with jam

Place the jam side on top of the other sandwich. Using a sieve, sprinkle with icing sugar

Place and display on to a pretty cake stand 


Interior Design Service
We are on hand to help you choose wall colours, fabrics, flooring and much more.

Are you thinking of having an extension? Bring in your architect's plans and we can begin to design your dream kitchen.  We can undertake as much of the project as you like from supplying and installing to fully project managing your kitchen. Get in touch today to start your kitchen adventure with Deelux. 

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